Bela’s Building of Fun
Bela’s Building of Fun: Overview
This topic covers concepts, such as, Integers, Positive Integers, Successor of Integers and Predecessor of Integers etc.
Important Questions on Bela’s Building of Fun
The successor of is ____.
The predecessor of is ____.
Define absolute value of integer.
I am a five-digit number. My once digit is . My hundreds digit is times my once digit. My tens digit is the sum of one's digit and hundreds digit. My thousands and ten-thousands digit is one less than the hundreds digit.
Write my successor.
The product of the successor and predecessor of is _____.
The successor of the greatest -digit number is _____.
Find the absolute values of the following integer .
Find the absolute values of the following integer .
Find the absolute values of the following integer .
Find the absolute values of the following integer .
Write some digit numbers in the grid below.
Consecutive integers are whole numbers which differ by one.
For example, and are a pair of consecutive integers.
Choose four pairs of consecutive integers.
There are infinitely many integers.
Write the number that comes just after .
Write the number that comes just after .
Write the number that comes just after .
Write the number that comes just after .